An integral and interdisciplinary medical program for children and young people aimed at addressing overweight and obesity (overweightness) through acupuncture – auriculotherapy and healthy eating habits that develop healthy lifestyles.
We involve PARENTS AND CAREGIVERSClick here for more information or to schedule an appointmentA psychologist will call you and explain the program

Acupuncture – Auriculotherapy Treatment

Upon entering the program, your child will be attended by specialized doctors, who, through a metabolic regulation medical treatment, using auriculotherapy and feeding cycles, help stabilize and maintain a healthy body weight.

Psychological Intervention

We promote emotional and motivational strategies for children, young people, and their families, in order to accompany the process and all the emotions that derive from feeding for the successful completion of the treatment.

Parental Accompaniment

Workshops and specialized material with information that allows reflection on topics that directly affect the health and well-being of our children.

Cooking Clubs

Led by a specialized Chef where fun recipes are prepared that help strengthen a healthy and balanced management of food. (virtual or face-to-face depending on the location).

Physical Activity

The importance of physical activity as a preventive practice of diseases and generator of well-being will be made aware.

Constant follow-up in the treatment process

We are interested in the evolution in the treatment of our children and young people, which allows them to acquire healthy eating habits and a healthy relationship with food.


We invite you to help your child in the process of changing eating habits.

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